About Economics Department - Syllabus & Outcomes


Students will develop high level critical thinking, writing, and quantitative skills. Students will acquire knowledge of latest economic theories and practices. Economics is the social Science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. In today’s increasingly growing society, where our needs are virtually more them our resources there is the need to effectively manage these limited resources. The department of Economics is here to train prospective students intellectually to take up the challenge of ensuring even allocation of resources. Students develop critical thinking skills which helps them to be creative in the economies field. Students become observant and give their constructive eroticism about national policies and government decisions that affect the national economy. The department instills the great desire for patriotism in the students that helps them implement policies that are best for the country at a particular point in time.


    The mission of the Department of Economics is to support the missions of the Smt. Rajmati Nemganda Patil Kanya Mahvidyalaya Sangl i of Arts and Commerce by :
  1. Providi1ig quality instruction to students to prepare them for successful careers.
  2. To provide our students with effective teaching and outstanding research techniques.
  3. To Provide ur students with appropriate analytical skills to . The ground work for lifelong learning
  4. To instill the path of intellectual transformation among undergraduate and post graduate Students.
  5. To make our students to understand microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts, and their applications
  6. To enable our students to become policy — literate economists. and
  7. To prepare our students for successful careers as applied economists and
  8. To prepare our undergraduate students for postgraduate training in economics, law and business administration


The study of the economics helps students understand the world around them It enables students to understand people, business, markets, and governments, and there fore better respond to the threats and opportunities that emerge when things change

Programme Specific Outcomes

Through organizing guest lectures, workshops, seminars, industrial visits and extension activities it enables students to learn economics, particularly its applications and faster the development of their own skills in economic reasoning and understanding.Smt. Rajmati Nemgonda Patil Kanya Mahavidylay, Sangli, is affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur (MS). The Department of Economics follows syllabus of the courses framed by Board of Studies in Economics of the said university. General Outcomes of the syllabus are as follows:

  • Students should be able to understand the significance & position of Indian Economy at the world level
  • Students acquire knowledge about inflationary trends and impact on Indian Economy
  • Students will be able to understand the recent developments in various sectors
  • Students will be able to use of various economic theories
  • The students will know how to determine factor prices and commodity prices.
  • Students will be able to use E-Banking services and to help the students to understand the important recent trends in banking system
Sr.No Subject Outcome
B.Com.III Paper-I ce-c5 sem V 51433 Co-operative Development
  1. To study the meaning and principles of co-operation
  2. To study the agricultural and Non-agricultural credit co- operations institutions
  3. To study the importance of co-operative organizations Abil ity to explain co-operation principles and to applications of it.
  4. Interpretation and comparison of different co-operative or nizations.
B.Com.III Paper-II cc-c6 sem VI 51463 Co-operative Development
  1. To study the co-operative legislations and fund management
  2. To understand the institutional arrangement for co-operative education and training
  3. To understand the nature registration, legislation and audit of housing co-operatives.
  4. To understand the nature, registration, legislation and audit of
B.A.I (SemI) DSC- B3 71230 Indian Economy-I
  1. CO-I - It makes learners to understand the economic functioning and conditions of our country in context of past, present and future
B.A.I (Semll) DSC- B17 71276 Indian Economy-II
  1. CO-II- At the end of the course a student should be able to understand the role of economic policies in shaping and improving economic performance in agriculture, Industry, and service. The students should be able to understand the development paradigm adopted in India Since Independence and evaluate its impact on economic as well as social indicators of progress and well-being. Students will have capability to understand government policies and will enable informed participation in economic decision making. Thus improving their employment prospects and career advancement. With such a comprehension, students from all backgrounds will thus be better prepared to face the professional world and can use the knowledge base of this course for facing the challenges of group discussions and general interviews for corporate or civil service jobs.
Elective course- 8 DSE-E- 72 65534 Economics of Development
  1. Identify the dimensions of Development
  2. Distinguish the fundamental and contemporary development debate
  3. Know the theories of economic development Raise the role of state in economic development
Elective course11 (DSE-E- 75) 65533 History of Economic Thoughts
  1. Understand the basic economic ideas of various economic thinkers of the world.
  2. Understand the development of economic thoughts.
Elective course- 13 (DSE-E- 197) 65734 Economics of Planning
  1. Students get acquainted with economic planning and its importance in development.
  2. Get acquainted with development of planning and planning machinery in India.
  3. Evaluate sect oral performance of the Indian economy
  4. Compare and analyze Indian models of economic development

Syllabus & Outcomes

Course code Course Title Outcome
B.A. II (Sem III ) DSC 61968 Money and Banking P.No.IV

To Create the awareness among the students and job Prospects in Banks and financial sector clear understanding of the operation of banks and financial institutionsto the students with practical inputs.

B.A.II (Sem IV) DSC 62375 Banks and financial Markets P.NO. VI

To understands the Dynamics of Indian Bankindg sector.The course enables to understand the existing banking structure and way forward.The course also address issues and concerns of banking sector. It further elaborates on the evolving role of central banks during crisis period.

Elective Coures -9 (DSC-E-73) 65535 International Economics -I
  1. Explain international trade
  2. Understand the measurement of gains from international trade
  3. Distinguish different of exchange
  4. Measure of terms of trade
B.com II Sem-III CC-B7 73508 Macro Economics -I
  1. The macro variables and components of macro economics .
  2. The relevance of National Income concepts and its applications in economic policy making
  3. Changing value of Money and its impacts on economy
  4. The outout and employment generation process though investment and consumption
B.com II Sem-IV CC-B8 63122 Macro Economics -II
    Students will be able to explain.
  1. The trade cyclical phenomenon in the economy and they will able to take practical decisions. At their business level in future
  2. Public finance System of state and its impact on economy and citizens of the nation.
  3. The trade and business practices through international trade theories and other relevant concepts
  4. The international and monetary.
B.com III Paper-I cc-c7 Sem-V 51430 Business Environment
  1. Student should able to understand the significance and position of Indian at the world level.
  2. Students should study the scenario of agricultural and industrial sectors.
  3. Students should aware regarding Indian economyis facing some of the fundamental economic problems.they should be able to make plance and solutions to these being as a citizen
  4. Students should understandthe correlations between economical and social problems
B.com III Paper-II cc-c8 Sem-VI 51460 Business Environment
  1. Students will be understand the Indian and global economic environment .
  2. Students will equip with proper knowledge of Indian economic planning
  3. Studens will enable with the knowledge of the plans and strategies toward foregn capital and multinational co-operations.
  4. Students will get acquainted with the function,mechanism and performanceof international financial. Trade and regional co-operation institutions
B.Com I Sem – I CC – A1 71471 Micro Economics I

The students should be able to apply tools of consumer behavior and form theory of business situation.

B.Com. I Sem – II CC – A2 71491 Micro Economics II

This course provides an introduction to central concepts of micro economic analysis and decision making such as scarcity.

B.A. II (Sem III) Dsc – D5 73374/77674 Macro Economics – III

Co-III. They Teaching this paper/Course is to introduce the basic primary and analytically important concepts, theories and policies in the working of economy to the learners. It attempts to enable the students to apply various concepts in the process of policy making, planning of measure to ensure and achive the fundamental objectives of macro economics policy.

B.A. II Macro Economics V

To create the awareness among the student and job prospects. The purpose of teaching this paper is to introduce the basic primary and analytic ably important concepts, theories and policies in the working of the economy which deals with aggregate economy. To study the process of credit creation by banks and varius functions of money and examne the impact of money supply and demand in the economy issues and evaluation policy outcomes.

Elective Course 10 (DSE –E 74) 65532 Research Methodology in Economics – I
  1. Students get acqualated with basic concepts of research and its methodologies
  2. Select and define appropriate research problem and parameters
Elective Course – 12 (DSE-E-196) 65731 Principles of Macro Economics – II
  1. Identify the market structure
  2. Analyacs the economic behavior of individual firms and market
  3. Analyses a firm profit minimization strategics under different market conditions
  4. Understand the factor pricing


Sr.No Syllabus
B.A. I View
B.A. II View
B.A. III View